This is from a blog I read, it is: It is so beautiful and how I feel so I am using it. I hope she doesn't mind.
She was listening to the radio and something caught her attention. There was a short segment about being a Proverbs 31 Woman. The woman on the radio was talking about how about how stressed and overwhelmed she sometimes feels. About her endless to do list and the schedule full of outside activities. About how at the end of the day or week she will feel like a failure. Sound familiar? She found this site and a list of The Seven Principles of the Proverbs 31 Woman
The Proverbs 31 Woman...
*Pursues an ongoing, personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
*Loves, honors, and greatly enriches the life of her husband, encouraging and supporting his leadership within his family and his church.
*Nurtures the next generation, shaping and molding the children who will one day define who we are as a community and as a nation.
*Creates a warm and loving environment for family and friends.
*Is a faithful steward of the time and money God has entrusted to her.
*Speaks with wisdom and faithful instruction as she encourages others and develops godly friendships.
*Shares the love of Christ by extending her hands to help the poor and opening her arms to the needy.
This really struck me. I have been battling with myself about my self-worth. Am I doing what I am supposed to be doing. Am I really doing what Jesus would do in the situations in my life that I come up against. I love these 7 Principles and I am truely going to follow them more closely.
Thank you so much to "My Heart Is Always Home". You posted just what I needed to hear. She said she will be posting more and I can't wait to read them.
Pleasant Dreams. Karen
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