My New Year’s Resolutions-2012
I have been thinking a lot about my resolutions for this year, and as you can see it has taken me awhile to put down on paper what is going on in my head. The second Sunday in January our lesson in Relief Society was on George Albert Smith . It was titled "Teachings of George Albert Smith: Living What We Believe"
"Our religion must find expression in our everyday lives."
When he was 34 years old, George Albert Smith made a list of resolutions that he called his “personal creed”—11 ideals that he committed to live by:
“I would be a friend to the friendless and find joy in ministering to the needs of the poor.
“I would visit the sick and afflicted and inspire in them a desire for faith to be healed.
“I would teach the truth to the understanding and blessing of all mankind.
“I would seek out the erring one and try to win him back to a righteous and a happy life.
“I would not seek to force people to live up to my ideals but rather love them into doing the thing that is right.
“I would live with the masses and help to solve their problems that their earth life may be happy.
“I would avoid the publicity of high positions and discourage the flattery of thoughtless friends.
“I would not knowingly wound the feelings of any, not even one who may have wronged me, but would seek to do him good and make him my friend.
“I would overcome the tendency to selfishness and jealousy and rejoice in the successes of all the children of my Heavenly Father.
“I would not be an enemy to any living soul.
It goes on to say, " Now let us examine ourselves. Are we doing as much as we should? And if we are not, let us turn around and do better. If we are doing as we should, if we are reaching out in all directions to do good to the children of our Father, then we will bring to ourselves the blessing of an all wise Father, and we will rejoice in the good that we accomplish here. …
Let us be humble and prayerful, living near to our Heavenly Father, and evidence our belief in the Gospel of Jesus Christ by living up to its principles. Let us evidence our faith in God, and in the work He has given to the earth, by a correct and consistent life, for after all that is the strongest testimony that we will be able to bear of the truth of this work."
I really want to do the things that President Smith wrote of. I want to be a better person, a better disciple of Christ.
Here are some of the personal things I have come up with to work on also:
· Adore More-love with all my heart
· Explore More- go places around me that I have never been or haven’t been for a long time
· Store More- work on our food storage and personal preparedness
· Restore More- restore or repaint things I have been wanting to for a long time
· Stress Less- Stop stressing so much
· Dress For Less- Make my clothes, I have a huge box of material and patterns just waiting
And lastly, I found this cute saying on Pinterest that I really like that I think we should all work on:
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