back ground

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Autumn in the air!


  1. Oh, I so agree with you! I can't wait until Autumn! I actually canned peaches today, which is a sure sign of Autumn - break out the sugar and cream. Love your chili, I'll bring the cornbread! I also loved the picture of the bird, you know how I love tweeters. I'm missing Nick today - had to clean up his space, and it was hard. Have a great day, love, Barb.

  2. Where did you get the peaches. I just did strawberry jam from some strawberries I had frozen, and I need to do applesauce. I told the girls we would do peaches when they came on.

  3. Autumn food is so nummy. I just made a apple cobbler thing. It smells good, but I don't know if it tastes good. I'll find out soon!
