My husband was in the military...he likes his clothes ironed...he likes them done the right way...hense, I do a lot of ironing. I also had a father who was in the military...he liked his clothes ironed...he liked them done right...hense, I did a lot of ironing growing up. When I would iron my dad's fireman shirts (He was on the fire department) and if I didn't get them just right, I would have to do them over until I got them right. Doug is not that picky, but he does like them to look nice. I like him to look nice. I hadn't been able to keep up on the ironing lately and I decided on Saturday I would start to get caught up. Today, Tuesday, I finally finished. I think it was 34 shirts and 5 pants. In the middle of it this morning my iron died, so I ran to the store and got a new one. It was so nice. I didn't realize how bad the old one had gotten. Anyway, enough of my rambling. I just wanted to toot my horn that I got the ironing done and I am going to try to keep up with it.
Also, I am decorating for Halloween and I will soon post some pictures. It is so fun. Off to my Tuesday night meetings. TaTa.
Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Muffins
7 hours ago